Balance of Mind - Premium Functional CBD, CBG and CBN Vape Pen, ginseng, lemon balm, rosemary, 1 ml
Balance of Mind - Premium Functional CBD, CBG and CBN Vape Pen, ginseng, lemon balm, rosemary, 1 ml
Hemnia Balance of Mind with ginseng, lemon balm and rosemary can offer the desired relaxation after a day of stress and tension. It can help you to have a healthy 'switch off' and get rid of the feeling that every intrusive notification needs to be checked immediately and every email needs to be answered immediately. Balance of Mind deliberately offers a denser, earthier taste that returns to the natural "here and now". It's a kind of slow barefoot walk through a flourishing herb garden. More
Product code: 8594213880129 Shipping and Payment
Hemnia Balance of Mind with ginseng, lemon balm and rosemary can offer the desired relaxation after a day of stress and tension. It can help you to have a healthy 'switch off' and get rid of the feeling that every intrusive notification needs to be checked immediately and every email needs to be answered immediately. Balance of Mind deliberately offers a denser, earthier taste that returns to the natural "here and now". It's a kind of slow barefoot walk through a flourishing herb garden. More
Product code: 8594213880129 Shipping and Payment
CBG, CBD and CBN distillate, natural terpenes. Consume within 12 months of opening. Store in a dry place at a temperature between 10 and 20 °C. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children and animals. Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women. May be contraindicated with certain medications - consult a physician before use.
Not for use by persons under 18 years of age.
Contents of vape foam: 1 ml
Store in a dry and dark place, at room temperature up to 25°C.
Keep out of reach of children, preferably not in front of or used by children. Do not expose to direct sunlight.
Zákaz predaja osobám mladším ako 18 rokov. Pri predaji (v predajni / prostredníctvom donáškovej služby / na inom výdajnom mieste) predávajúci overí, či kupujúci nemá menej ako 18 rokov.
Side effects:
Not recommended if you have any concentration or performance where you need to remain awake and alert. No side effects should occur when used properly as directed. If you are in doubt or feel any discomfort, please stop using Restful Sleep and do not hesitate to contact us.
Laboratory tested.
Knowledge of CBD, CBG and CBN vaping
If you already have some experience with CBD, then you probably have an idea of what to expect. And yet, vaping CBD is......