CBD For Pets
Just as the use of CBD can have many benefits for humans, pets and other animals can also benefit from its effects on the body.
So whether the animal members of your family include a dog, cat, rabbit or horse, CBD can bring them relief from the symptoms of various health complications and ailments. And your four-legged darlings undoubtedly deserve such care.
Not just for pets, one of the most sought-after effects of CBD is its ability to counteract all sorts of inflammation. And that includes swelling and itching caused by allergies.
For animals suffering from chronic pain, it can bring relief and thus significantly improve their quality of life. Thanks to its unique properties, it mitigates anxiety and helps relieve stress (for example, when travelling). It thus brings calm not only to the pet itself but often indirectly also to its owner.
The list of possible benefits of cannabidiol is much broader. Among other things, CBD positively influences the function of the immune and cardiovascular systems and promotes skin and fur health.
In our offer, you will find broad spectrum 5% CBD oil enriched with vitamin E and essential Omega-3 fatty acids. Although it is labelled for dogs and cats, other pets and domestic animals can also enjoy its effects – regardless of their age.