What are the benefits of CBD in multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that brings with it a number of difficulties, including fatigue, cognitive impairment and muscle weakness. MS can manifest in many ways, but patients have one thing in common: MS symptoms have a major impact on their quality of life.

Some MS patients turn to cannabidiol, or CBD, a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis, to manage their symptoms. While scientists are still exploring the benefits of CBD for MS patients, early indications are that CBD may help manage symptoms of multiple sclerosis, such as pain and muscle stiffness. The following article will tell you what you should know about CBD and multiple sclerosis. Discover the possible benefits of cannabidiol, the potential risks, and the optimal dose of CBD.

The Immune System and Multiple Sclerosis

What does it mean that multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease? The immune system attacks healthy cells the way it is supposed to attack viruses and other pathogens. This is also how this disease develops.

In MS, the immune system targets the myelin protective sheath that protects nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain. When the immune system attacks this barrier, it causes inflammation and damage that can disrupt nerve signaling that facilitates movement, breathing, thinking and more.

The severity of multiple sclerosis symptoms varies depending on the site of the attack and the extent of damage to the myelin sheath. Most commonly, however, they include fatigue, muscle weakness or stiffness, and cognitive impairment.</p

Cannabinoids and the immune system

Cannabinoids are a group of compounds found in cannabis. The two main cannabinoids are THC (the psychoactive component) and CBD (which has no psychoactive effects). The body processes cannabinoids through cannabinoid receptors, which are found in the brain and in immune cells. These are all part of the endocannabinoid system, which regulates inflammation, immune function, motor control, pain, and other bodily functions commonly affected by multiple sclerosis.</p

This helps explain why CBD may be beneficial in MS. cannabinoids have been shown to reduce inflammation and regulate immune responses. CBD accomplishes this without the perception-altering properties of reality, making it attractive to people seeking relief from MS symptoms without the "high" of marijuana.

Benefits of CBD for MS

In a recent meta-analysis, researchers concluded that cannabinoids, including CBD, are "probably effective" in relieving some symptoms of MS, including pain and abnormal muscle tension (spasticity), but "probably not effective" in treating muscle tremors or incontinence. Other research has supported the use of CBD in MS. Here are some key findings:

A 2018 scientific review found that CBD supplementation reduces pain, fatigue, inflammation, depression, and spasticity in people with multiple sclerosis while improving their mobility. The authors conclude that CBD supplementation for people with MS should be recommended.

A 2014 scientific review found that Sativex, a nasal spray containing CBD, may help reduce pain, spasticity and frequent urination in MS patients.

Two different medical reviews from 2021 found that in animal models, CBD helps regulate the immune system, reducing the autoimmune response that causes MS symptoms. More research is needed, but in the future this could mean that drugs derived from cannabis and CBD could be used to treat MS progression, not just its symptoms.</p

Does CBD have any side effects?

CBD is generally considered a safe substance and does not have mind-altering properties. A dose of up to 300 mg of CBD per day is safe for up to six months. Higher doses are safe for shorter periods of time. However, like other dietary supplements or medications, CBD can have side effects in some individuals. These may include:

  • sleepiness
  • dizziness
  • low blood pressure
  • liver damage

In addition, CBD can interact with many other prescription drugs. Therefore, it is best to consult your doctor before taking CBD, especially if you are a pregnant woman or breastfeeding. Most doctors who treat MS are familiar with CBD, as at least 20% of MS patients are currently taking CBD.

Are the products legal?

Cannabis products with CBD containing 1% THC or less have been legalised in the Czech Republic since the beginning of 2022. However, the same situation does not apply in all states. Some countries require users of CBD to have a doctor's prescription, while others ban the sale of hemp products altogether. When travelling abroad, we recommend checking the laws in all countries you will be passing through.

How to take CBD for multiple sclerosis

CBD is available in many different forms - including creams and other externally applied preparations, tinctures, nutrients (such as CBD gummies),nasal sprays.

You are faced with the decision of whether to take full-spectrum CBD, which contains all the other cannabinoids and substances found in the cannabis plant, or broad-spectrum CBD containing all compounds except THC, or CBD isolate, which contains only cannabidiol. It is thought that the presence of other cannabinoids may increase the effectiveness of CBD. Available research suggests that the so-called "accompaniment effect", as the synergistic action of the compounds involved is called, may be of great benefit.

Consulting with your healthcare provider can help you decide how to get started with CBD use. He or she can offer information about what has worked for other patients and guide you to the appropriate dose of CBD.

How to choose the "right" CBD for multiple sclerosis

When buying CBD, it is important to avoid low-quality products from unknown manufacturers. We recommend choosing products from reputable brands that are careful to communicate transparently about their products. What you should consider when buying CBD for MS:

  • the potential impact of using CBD on your profession or other areas of your life
  • goals you have in using CBD and symptoms you would most like to address
  • whether you want to try CBDisolate (pure CBD), or broad-spectrum or full-spectrum products that contain other cannabinoids.
  • where the hemp product comes from (where it was grown)
  • whether the product has a COA, or certificate of analysis, that states the chemical composition of the substance. You can see what such a certificate looks like in the product card of any of our CBD oils,for example.


Multiple sclerosis can have a huge impact on quality of life. That's partly why so many people are seeking relief from its symptoms. Research on CBD and MS is very promising. It appears that some people experience reduction of pain and spasticity when taking dietary supplements with CBD. Because it reduces inflammation, CBD-derived drugs could even be used to control disease progression in the future.

Unfortunately, the use of CBD in MS is still in its infancy and more research is needed to confirm the therapeutic benefits of this cannabinoid. For now, it's best to consult your doctor when deciding whether CBD is right for you. Don't be shy about talking about it. Research has shown that up to 60% of MS patients currently use cannabis and 90% are considering it.</p


Does CBD help with muscle spasticity?

Research suggests that in people with multiple sclerosis CBD is likely to help with muscle spasticity. A study conducted in the UK reported that doctors did not observe a large improvement in spasticity in people taking CBD. However, people taking CBD did experience a reduction in spasticity compared to those taking a placebo. For this reason, the Multiple Sclerosis Society states that CBD is likely to be effective in treating spasticity.

Is it safe to use CBD in multiple sclerosis?

CBD is generally considered safe, and some research shows that it probably helps treat pain and spasticity caused by MS. You should consult your doctor about using CBD to combat MS.

How is CBD used to treat MS pain?

Most research on the use of CBD for MS-related pain has been done using oral dietary supplements (CBD drops or oils) and nasal sprays. Some people also report benefits from smoking CBD flowers. It is best to consult a doctor when deciding how best to use CBD when dealing with MS.

Photo: Shutterstock

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