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Travelling with CBD: Rules, tips and legislation around the world

Travel - yellow travel suitcase at the airport with straw hat

If you are planning to travel to Europe, America, or other countries around the world and want to enjoy the benefits of CBD, it is important to know what the regulations are regarding the transport of this substance and to choose the appropriate products and packaging to avoid complications. In this article, you'll get a variety of tips on how to prepare for traveling with cannabidiol, learn how CBD is accepted around the world, and how to transport CBD products by plane.

The basics of travelling with CBD

This article is intended to serve as a basic orientation to information about traveling with CBD. Before you travel, find out what the current legislation is in the specific countries you are traveling to, or how your airline regulates the transport of CBD. CBD products can be a great travel aid as they can reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep and act as an anti-inflammatory.

Buy CBD locally or bring your own?

Consider whether you'll travel with your CBD products or purchase them at your destination. If you decide to buy your CBD products locally, find out in advance what the availability isin your area. Keep in mind that products sold abroad may be different than those you purchase at home, even if they have the same packaging and label.

Traveling with CBD products is not recommended as it can bring complications. You should only consider taking a CBD product on your travels if you are taking it for medical reasons, regularly, and are used to the specific product and dosage. In that case, buy a small pack to use up during your trip so that you don't throw away unused product or save yourself the complication of transporting it home.

If you will be travelling with CBD products across the country, take into account the legislation in all the countries you will be passing through for possible border checks. If you'll be traveling with CBD products by plane, find out what the regulations are for the specific airline you'll be flying with to avoid complications at airport checks.

Also remember that what applies in the country you are traveling to and connecting in may not be the same as the carrier's terms and conditions, and vice versa. Always follow the stricter regulations. You can't go wrong if you print out the current information so you can present it to any uninformed security personnel. Remember, however, that the final decision on whether you will be allowed to travel with your products is always up to the individual employee.

What CBD products should I travel with?

In general, it is better to travel with THC-free CBD (i.e. either broad spectrum products or CBD isolate) or with a product that has the lowest amount of THC. THC, unlike CBD, is a psychoactive substance that is strictly regulated in many countries and even banned in some countries. Also, the less concentrated the product and the smaller the package, the better the chances of avoiding complications. So only travel with the amount of CBD you actually need.

Choose an appropriate form of CBD for travel, preferring products that will attract less attention. What types of CBD products are best for travel? Cosmetic products are generally better perceived than oils, drops, capsules and tablets and vapes.

Ideally, products should be left in their original packaging with proof of origin of ingredients and proof of purchase. Buy products from verified manufacturers who sell products with these credentials. The documents can help you to defend the legitimacy of the products if you run into problems during inspections and can help you to avoid seizure of these products or more serious penalties. If you are prescribed CBD by a doctor, pack the prescription with you and ideally have a certificate in English.

CBD & Hemp Care - universal hemp ointment with lavender

Legal status of CBD in the world

Legislation regarding cannabis and cannabis products is different in each country and is constantly changing. It is therefore important that you always obtain the most up-to-date information for the specific region(s) you are travelling to. If you are unsure, do not be afraid to contact the relevant authorities beforehand to check the legislation.

Bear in mind that although cannabis may be legal for recreational and medicinal use in a country, it may still be illegal to travel to/from the country with cannabis products, as is the case in Canada or Mexico, for example. Therefore, if you want to travel with cannabis products, you should also check what conditions the country has for importing and exporting these products.

We strongly recommend not to underestimate the laws. Penalties for possession vary. In China, for example, cannabidiol has been listed as a dangerous drug since February 2023 and possession and use of the substance carries a penalty of up to 7 years in prison and a fine of $1 million. If you are caught with CBD at an airport, the act can be classified as drug trafficking, which carries a penalty of up to life imprisonment and a $5 million fine.


Legislation - includes enforcement of laws, regulations and standards, internal policies and procedures

Cases of CBD incidents around the world

In the United Arab Emirates in 2021, a young British footballer, Billy Hood, was sentenced to 10 years in prison after police officers found CBD vape cartridges in his car, which were presumably left there by a friend who had visited him earlier.

In Russia, US basketball player Brittney Griner, a two-time Olympic champion, was sentenced to 9 years in a penal colony in August 2022 after vapes containing cannabis oil were found in her luggage at Moscow airport.

Legislation in Europe

In Europe, regulations on cannabis and cannabis products are quite diverse. The European Union sets the maximum THC content of cannabis products at 0.2%, but each country then adjusts the regulations as it sees fit. Slovakia, Hungary, France and the Nordic European countries of Sweden, Finland and Denmark, for example, take astricter view of cannabis products.

In the UK, the permitted THC level per product is set at 1 mg, regardless of pack size. Germany is looseningits rules on the use of cannabis products. Spain, Portugal and Belgium also have looser legislation.

In Austria, cannabis products containing up to 0,3 % THC are allowed, in Italy even up to 0,6 %. In Switzerland, the maximum THC limit is set at 1%, as in the Czech Republic.

In the Netherlands, it is prohibited to possess, sell or manufacture drugs, but limited sales of soft drugs to adults in coffeeshops are allowed. However, access is restricted to holders of the so-called wiet-pass, a club card that can only be issued to residents of the Netherlands, not tourists. Malta and Luxembourg also have relaxed regulations for cannabis use.

Legislation in the Americas, Asia, Africa and Oceania

For up-to-date information on cannabis legislation and cannabis products in the United States, see the DISA website, and for details on state-by-state regulation, see the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) website. According to this data, cannabis is now legal in various forms and quantities for recreational use and for medical use in 24 US states by adults (over 21 years of age) and exclusively for medical use in another 13 US states.

In other states, regulations are stricter. Cannabis and cannabis products are completely banned in 6 US states, namely Nebraska, North and South Carolina, Idaho, Kansas, and Wyoming. Laws vary in other countries on the continent. In some countries cannabis is legal for recreational use by adults and for medicinal use, in some only for medicinal purposes, and in others it is completely banned.

In Russia, cannabis and its products are completely illegal. This is also the case in most countries in the Middle East and in most Asian and African countries. Exceptions include Thailand and South Africa.

In Australia, cannabis is legal (in regulated form and quantity) for medicinal use and for adult recreational use only in the Australian Capital Territory, and in New Zealand exclusively for medicinal use.

CBD for air travel

CBD products should be packaged, like other products, in accordance with the rules for air travel, ideally in the original packaging with receipts. For liquids, they should have a maximum volume of 100 ml and be stored in a single transparent resealable bag with a maximum total volume of 1 litre.

The use or charging of vaporizers on board is prohibited, if you wish to take CBD vapes on the plane, the (switched off) device and refills must be kept in your hand luggage. Vapes and accessories cannot be in checked baggage.

Due to stricter controls, we strongly recommend not to travel with cannabis products outside the continent.

In European Union countries, products with up to 0.2% THC are generally tolerated. As long as you comply with the laws of the countries you are travelling to, the conditions of the airlines you are using, have the product properly packaged and have the necessary documents, you should have no problem travelling with CBD.

In America, according to the current Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security, it is possible to travel by air with hemp products that contain no more than 0.3% THC and with products approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as long as it is in compliance with the laws of the states you are traveling between. However, the TSA warns on its social media, "Our screeners DO NOT look for marijuana or other illegal drugs. Our screening procedures are focused on security and detecting potential threats. However, if a substance that looks like marijuana or a product containing cannabis is found, we are required by federal law to notify law enforcement. This includes items that are used for medicinal purposes."


A hand with a marijuana leaf against a backdrop of a sky with clouds outside the plane's window, the concept of travel

Traveling with other cannabinoids

Traveling with other cannabinoids, especially those with psychoactive properties, is either prohibited by law altogether or there is insufficient legislation for them, so we strongly recommend not traveling with such products to avoid getting into trouble.


CBD can be a great travel companion as it has the potential to relieve stress and improve sleep, however, it is essential to comply with laws and regulations when travelling. Don't neglect to prepare and find out up-to-date information on legislation at your destination and in the countries you'll be passing through or transferring in. Also check the airlines' terms and conditions.

If you decide to travel with CBD, choose less concentrated products with no or minimal THC content, ideally in the form of cosmetic products in small quantities and in original packaging, with proof of origin and composition, a receipt and ideally a medical certificate.

We recommend not travelling with CBD products to another continent, and do not transport other cannabinoids between countries.


Author: Natálie Kubíčková


Photo: Shutterstock

Short and simple:

  1. Hemnia does not and cannot replace the professional care of your doctor.
  2. Hemnia products are not medicines (or medicinal products), so please do not approach them as such.
  3. Hemnia offers cannabis products, but don't look for any narcotic or psychotropic substances here. We do not offer or recommend them.

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