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Is collagen suitable for children? Why YES?

We want only the best for our children, that goes without saying. So it may be that we consider adding supplements to a varied diet. From infancy onwards, vitamin D or even fish oil is standard. What about collagen?

In a young body, a healthy spirit... and collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body and the basic building block of skin, muscle, bone, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and other connective tissues. When we are young, our bodies make valuable collagen on their own without any problem, but as we age, there is less collagen, its quality decreases, and existing collagen breaks down faster.

Why is collagen important for children?

Collagen is essential for strengthening bones and healthy connective tissue. It also benefits the cardiovascular system, sleep, digestive tract, oral health, skin and speeds up healing. Natural sources of collagen are mainly beef and chicken bone broths (of course, from the best quality meat with proven provenance), as well as fish, eggs and some nuts, fruits and vegetables.

A child does not need to take in nearly as much collagen as a middle-aged adult and should be able to get by on a varied diet. Does your little one refuse that great grandma broth, not to mention liver and other offal? You may be wondering whether to reach for a dietary supplement. After all, a fresh drink can be much more appealing to children than thick soup.

Strong Bones

For developing children, getting enough collagen from a varied diet is essential to give the body everything it needs to build strong bones for the growing body.

Healthy Connective Tissue

Children's connective tissue is still developing. It is not until puberty that elastin production, which is responsible for the elasticity of skin, muscles and tendons, becomes established. Ligament injuries in the knee and elbow are particularly common in adolescents who play sports. Collagen is the basic building block of connective tissue and as such can help to make joints more resilient.

Cardiovascular system

Collagen is the building block of strong blood vessels that distribute oxygen and nutrients throughout the growing child's body.


Collagen is very rich in the amino acid glycine, which is associated with better sleep and recovery.

Is collagen safe as a dietary supplement for children?

Parents are often afraid to start a dietary supplement, especially when a child is severely allergic or has an intolerance. Before starting, they should consult their paediatrician or a dietician in any case. Each child has different needs and the doctor will evaluate safety with regard to physical development, allergies, illnesses and medications being taken.


Collagen is an important protein that is especially central to healthy bones and connective tissues in a child's body. If a young body is given enough varied food, it is able to make good quality collagen on its own. Collagen as a dietary supplement for children and adolescents comes into consideration, for example, when they refuse or for some reason cannot eat a diet rich in collagen, such as beef and chicken broth.

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