How CBD can help with sleep

How CBD can help with sleep

There is probably no doubt that quality sleep has a major impact on your overall health and well-being, not just on your body. Experts recommend adults get seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Proper sleep will ensure that you feel rested and have energy for the day ahead. A good night's rest also contributes to memory formation, helps muscle and tissue growth and repair, and prevents disease.

Unfortunately, getting or staying asleep can be difficult for some people. There are a number of ways to achieve better quality sleep and prevent sleep debt. These include improving sleep hygiene, prescription sleep medications, and natural remedies to promote sleep.

One increasingly popular tool for achieving better sleep is the use of cannabidiol (CBD), a natural compound from cannabis. CBD is commonly used to improve sleep quality as well as reduce anxiety.

Introduction: about hemp and cannabinoids

Although there are many different slang terms for the narrow-leaved plant you may be familiar with, scientifically the plant is called Cannabis sativa. The word 'cannabis' can be used to refer to all products made from this plant. Cannabis plants contain a number of chemical compounds, including a group known as 'cannabinoids'. Of the more than 100 cannabinoids, scientists have the broadest knowledge so far of the two in particular that probably have the greatest effect on humans: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

What is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)?

The most well-known psychoactive effects of cannabis are caused by the cannabinoid THC. The term "marijuana" usually refers to the parts of the Cannabis sativa plant that contain the most THC, which are the cannabis flowers.

Cannabis plants and their derivatives that contain less than 0.3% THC are legal (in the Czech Republic, products with up to 1% THC will be legal from the beginning of 2022). As a result, there has been a recent meteoric rise in new products on the market using natural cannabis ingredients. Among them, CBD products clearly dominate.

What is cannabidiol (CBD)?

CBD, another commonly known cannabinoid, can be legally sold if extracted from industrial hemp and marketed in accordance with the relevant regulations. CBD does not have psychoactive effects - so it does not act in the same way as THC. CBD also does not have effects that would lead to dependence or risk of abuse.

CBD is an increasingly popular substance on the market. Although CBD is attributed with many health benefits, in most cases the scientific view of its effectiveness is still unclear.

What is CBD

What forms does CBD come in?

There are several common forms of CBD:

  • oral sprays that are applied under the tongue
  • oils and tinctures, sometimes collectively referred to as CBD drops
  • vaporizing pens and inhalation liquid pens, or other products used in vaporizers
  • nutrients such as gummy candies, chocolate or cookies, and beverages such as coffee and tea
  • tablets and capsules
  • external-use solutions, including lotions, creams, plasters, gels and ointments

What are the usual doses of CBD?

Because CBD products are not yet firmly anchored in law, even the amount of CBD in different forms of products varies widely.

Research shows that a 300 mg oral dose of CBD can be safely taken daily for up to six months. A recently published scientific review showed that taking up to 1,500 mg per day was well tolerated by participants. A subsequent review confirmed that taking 1,500 mg daily for four weeks produced no adverse effects.

Unfortunately, the stated CBD content on a product label does not necessarily correspond to the amount that the product actually contains. This can naturally lead to people taking more or less CBD than they need. A foreign analysis of 84 CBD products sold online showed that 26% of the products contained less CBD than stated on the label. The same analysis then found that nearly 43% of the products were underreported, meaning they sometimes contained significantly more CBD than the label stated.</p

Although CBD in higher doses does not appear to have serious negative consequences, these products may contain higher levels of THC than the label claims. Other CBD products may contain THC that is not listed on the label at all. THC in these products may produce intoxicating effects that may not be desirable.

What are the effects of CBD?

Research has shown that CBD has a calming effect on the nervous system. CBD can also affect mood because it indirectly affects the serotonin system. Results vary from person to person and also depend on the type of product and the dose of the active ingredient.

Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects. Even large doses of CBD do not cause THC-like conditions. Moreover, several studies have shown that CBD reduces the psychoactive effects of THC.

Studies of short-term use of CBD show that patients do not experience withdrawal symptoms.</p

What health problems can CBD help with?

There is research support for the effectiveness of CBD in treating epilepsy. Other new research suggests that CBD may also help treat schizophrenia and substance use disorders.

Using CBD for sleep problems

There is currently not enough expert data available to determine the effectiveness of CBD in treating other health conditions. However, preliminary research results suggest that CBD may help with a number of sleep disorders, including insomnia, REM sleep phase behavior disorder, and excessive daytime sleepiness disorder. Other preliminary research suggests that CBD may help patients improve sleep and relieve anxiety.

CBD for sleep disorders

Research into the effects of CBD on sleep disorders is still in its infancy. Some people who take CBD for chronic pain report that they sleep better. It is currently unclear whether these patients sleep better because of pain relief or because CBD directly affects their sleep.

Other nascent studies looking at CBD and sleep disorders suggest positive results. However, not everyone experiences the same positive effect on improving sleep when taking CBD. In addition, different doses can lead to different effects. Research suggests that low doses of CBD are stimulating, while high doses of CBD are sedating. Differences in experience can also be attributed to the method of CBD use and dose. Further research is needed to deepen our understanding of the effects of CBD in the treatment of sleep disorders.

CBD and anxiety

Although anxiety itself is not a sleep disorder, it may contribute to poor sleep quality, insufficient sleep, and other sleep disorders. Because CBD calms the nervous system, CBD can be used to treat anxiety-related disorders. Nearly 80% of participants in a recent study who used CBD to treat anxiety reported lower levels of anxiety within one month. Sleep initially improved in more than 65% of participants, followed by fluctuating results.

CBD and insomnia

Insomnia means that people who suffer from it have difficulty falling asleep or retaining sleep. This disorder affects alertness during the day, the ability to concentrate and also mood. People struggling with insomnia may suffer from anxiety due to lack of rest, which can further exacerbate nighttime insomnia.

Because of the positive results of research on anxiety treatments using CBD, it is speculated that CBD could also help reduce anxiety associated with insomnia. In addition, a new pilot study of the use of CBD and THC in people with physician-diagnosed insomnia is underway. The results of this study will offer further information on the effects of CBD on insomnia.

REM sleep disorders and CBD

In this disorder, patients verbalize and make aggressive movements during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep. This disorder is most commonly found in elderly patients with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

In a limited study on four patients suffering from Parkinson's disease, CBD helped manage symptoms of the behavioral disorder during REM sleep. Before taking CBD, patients experienced symptoms of the disorder 2-7 times per week. While taking CBD, symptoms occurred 0-1 times per week. Further studies need to be conducted, but these initial results suggest that CBD is a possible treatment for REM sleep behavioral disorder.</p

Excessive daytime sleepiness disorder and CBD

Persons who suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness disorder have difficulty staying awake during typical daytime hours. One solution to waking up on time and staying awake may be CBD. Initial animal studies show that CBD acts as a wakefulness-inducing substance. However, other studies suggest that CBD has sedative effects. More research is needed to determine what doses and patterns of CBD use affect wakefulness and sleepiness.

What are the risks of taking CBD?

Most of the negative effects of CBD products are mild. For example, patients may experience diarrhea or other gastrointestinal problems. Some people may experience drowsiness while taking CBD. Other negative effects that occur with CBD may be due to interactions between CBD and other medications the patient is taking.

Do CBD and prescription drugs interact?

CBD can interact with prescription medications a person is taking. In particular, CBD can slow down the liver's ability to break down certain substances. In addition, taking CBD as well as other herbs or dietary supplements can make a patient sleepy at inappropriate times.

Consult a physician before using any CBD product. Tell him or her about any medications, herbs, or dietary supplements you are taking so he or she can assess whether CBD may cause negative interactions. Your doctor can then inform you if CBD is an appropriate choice to help you on your path to health.

Photo: Shutterstock

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