H4CBD vs. CBD: Properties and differences

If you're interested in new cannabinoids, you've probably heard of H4CBD, you may have even read our previous article on this particular cannabinoid. Today we're going to look at the origins of H4CBD and CBD, and how these compounds affect our endocannabinoid system.

Origin of H4CBD and CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol, is found in the cannabis plant. THC-approved varieties of industrial hemp are used for extraction. Most often, supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) is used. 

Concentrated CBD can also be extracted using solvents such as ethanol or butane. However, this method is discouraged because there is a risk of residual solvents remaining in the final product. Another option is extraction from vegetable oils such as olive oil.

H4CBD is a cannabinoid not found in the cannabis plant. However, as the abbreviation suggests, it has a lot in common with cannabidiol (CBD), which is produced in the laboratory by modifying the CBD molecule. The process that turns CBD into CBD hexahydroderivative is called hydrogenation. Four hydrogen atoms are added to the CBD molecule, changing the structure and, in part, the properties of the cannabinoid.

CBD vs. H4CBD: the main differences

Wondering how H4CBD and CBD differ from each other? Then take a look at the table below.




Chemický vzorec




přímý derivát rostliny konopí

(polo)syntetický kanabinoid, vzniká transformací CBD 


přirozená molekula

hexahydroderivát CBD - do molekuly CBD přidány čtyři atomy vodíku

Vazba na receptory

nízká afinita k receptorům CB1 a CB2, ale moduluje jejich aktivitu

pravděpodobná vyšší afinita k CB1 receptoru a vazba k CB2 receptoru


potenciál ke zmírnění bolesti a zánětu, snížení úzkosti a stresu, zlepšení spánku

obdobné jako u CBD, s pravděpodobnou vyšší a rychlejší účinností


oleje a kapky, kapsle, krystaly, květy, koncentráty, kosmetika, vapes, sladkosti, CBD pro zvířata

destiláty, vape peny, cartridge, květy, gummies, hash

Receptor binding and effects are related to the endocannabinoid system. This system is key to understanding how cannabinoids work in the body.

Cannabinoids, including CBD and H4CBD, have the ability to interact with our endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS consists of receptors, endocannabinoids and enzymes, and its main function is to maintain the homeostasis of the body. The receptors, referred to as CB1 and CB2, are distributed throughout our bodies. CB1 receptors are found mainly in the brain, CB2 receptors mainly in the immune system, digestive tract and peripheral nervous system.

To stimulate these receptors, our body produces molecules called endocannabinoids (endogenous cannabinoids), which are structurally similar to the molecules in the cannabis plant - cannabinoids. Both endocannabinoids and cannabinoids can bind to both receptors. The effects depend on where the receptor is located and which (endo)cannabinoids bind to it. For example, some may target CB1 receptors in the spinal nerve and relieve pain. Others may bind to the CB2 receptor in immune cells and signal that inflammation is taking place in the body.

Based on the available information, it appears that unlike THC, CBD has little affinity for CB1 and CB2. The exact mechanism of how CBD acts on endocannabinoid receptors is still under investigation, but it appears that CBD acts as a 'modulator' of the activity of these receptors. In doing so, it affects certain ECS functions such as sleep, appetite, the immune system, mood and memory.

And how is H4CBD? According to a 2006 study, hydrogenated forms of CBD have an extremely high affinity for the brain's CB1 neuroreceptors, so in addition to greater potency, psychoactive effects can be expected.

Effects of CBD and H4CBD

The therapeutic effects of CBD have already been confirmed in several studies, CBD has the potential to relieve pain, help fight inflammation or improve sleep. 

The most commonly reported effects of CBD include:

  • pain and inflammation relief
  • improving sleep quality
  • mood regulation
  • relieving stress and anxiety
  • boosting the immune system
  • recovery after physical stress
  • alleviating skin problems 

We don't have much information on H4CBD yet, as it is a relatively new cannabinoid and there are no studies yet looking at the effects of H4CBD on the body and mind. 

Because it is a derivative of cannabidiol, and based on the available sources, we know that H4CBD can act similarly to CBD, but the effects are more intense and come on more quickly. In addition, as we have already mentioned, due to its strong binding to CB1 receptors, H4CBD can also be expected to have psychoactive effects, although some users deny this.

Does CBD and H4CBD have side effects?

CBD is considered a safe and well-tolerated substance, so side effects are rare, but it's still good to know about them. Side effects can occur especially if CBD is combined with other substances or if too high a dose has been taken.

The following symptoms may occur:

  • dry mouth
  • fatigue
  • decreased appetite
  • indigestion
  • low blood pressure

The side effects of H4CBD are not yet known, but can be expected to be similar to those of CBD. In addition, due to possible psychoactivity, difficulties in concentration or motor coordination may occur. 

Which CBD and H4CBD products can you choose from?

CBD has been on the market considerably longer than H4CBD, which is reflected in a range that is truly extensive. Particularly popular are CBD oils and drops, capsules, crystals, flowers, concentrates, CBD cosmetics, vapes, sweets and also CBD for pets.

As for the H4CBD offer, vape foams and cartridges, gummies, flowers with H4CBD distillate and hash are available. H4CBD cosmetics and pet products are not yet in production.

What cannabinoid and product you choose should depend on your needs and preferences. Vaporisation has the advantage of high bioavailability and faster onset of effects, but not everyone is comfortable with this method of use. Oils and drops also have a relatively high bioavailability. Capsules have the advantage of easy dosing and discretion.

CBD is more researched and proven in terms of therapeutic effects and safety. We do not know much about H4CBD yet, the supposed higher potency may be an advantage, but possible psychoactive effects should also be considered.

Quality should be the main criterion when choosing any cannabinoid. Therefore, always choose proven, reliable and helpful manufacturers or retailers who have their products tested by an independent laboratory and who will be happy to help you choose the best product for you.  

Author: Michaela Mádlová, translation by AI

Photo: Shutterstock

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