CBD oil and burnout syndrome - how to fight it?
Burnout is becoming an epidemic in the workplace and an increasingly common phenomenon among men and women who are so busy that they often lose touch with themselves and thus fail to listen to their own body's signals every now and then to take off the gas and slow down.
In our crazy society that celebrates busy schedules, high performance, and a constant overview of the latest trends, it can sometimes be difficult to keep up and not succumb to the pressure. In the short term, we can switch our forces beyond our capabilities. But it can have a very negative impact on our health in the long run. An effective solution can be CBD oil , which can act as a prevention of burnout syndrome .
The bad news is that once we reach burnout, it can be really challenging to get back into shape and restore physical and mental well-being and balance. This is also why prevention is paramount. The good news, on the other hand, is that CBD oil can be an effective prevention and, moreover, it can help in dealing with the burnout syndrome itself in its acute phase.
Try our CBD oils - we offer hemp with a concentration of 5 - 40% CBD or flavored coconut oils with 10% CBD with mint, lemon or green tea flavors.
What is burnout?
Before we dive deeper into the benefits of CBD oil , let's first break down exactly what burnout is so you can better understand how and why CBD oil can be helpful for this condition.
Burnout is a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion due to excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, exhausted and unable to meet the demands that are coming at you from all sides. You start to lose interest and motivation at work and become apathetic. Adrenal fatigue or adrenal exhaustion is also often discussed as a specific phase of the burnout syndrome, which originates from adrenal fatigue .
Why is burnout harmful?
Burnout reduces your productivity and saps your energy, leaving you in a vicious circle, feeling increasingly clueless, cynical, hopelessly lost and angry. At some point, you will probably feel like you can't give anything more. Burnout is a serious condition and will not resolve itself. If left untreated, it can result in serious physical and mental illnesses such as depression , anxiety , heart disease , diabetes and weight gain. Fortunately, CBD oil is known to help address many of these underlying issues.
The negative effects of burnout are transferred to all areas of your life - work, social and private. Burnout can also result in long-term changes in your body that, along with a weakened immune system, make you more susceptible to illnesses like colds and flu. Because of these far-reaching consequences, the sooner you deal with burnout, the better. This will be based on work with stress management, in which CBD oil can also play a significant supporting role .
Burnout symptoms and how CBD oil can help
Every once in a while, we all experience days when we feel powerless, overwhelmed, or unappreciated. There will be days when just getting out of bed is the main task. However, if you feel this way more often than not, you may be on the verge of burnout. This would be a great time to start taking CBD oil to keep symptoms from getting worse .
Burnout is a slow process that develops over a long period of time and does not happen overnight. Signs and symptoms may be subtle at first and worsen over time. Therefore, burnout can sneak up on you unnoticed. Let the initial symptoms be a warning signal that something is not right and you need to pay attention to yourself and your body. Don't try to ignore your own body's call for support and help!
If you actively work to reduce stress with CBD oil , which has been proven to help with most of the following symptoms, naturally, along with other activities that we can label as self-care or mental hygiene , you can prevent a big problem in the future. On the other hand, if you're always on 120%, you'll burn out at some point sooner or later, because you can't sustain the maximum pace forever.
Physical symptoms of burnout
- Feeling tired and exhausted most of the time
- Reduced immunity, frequent illnesses
- Frequent headaches or muscle aches
- Change in appetite or sleeping habits
CBD oil can quickly help with physical symptoms in the short term by regulating appetite, promoting better sleep, improving focus and productivity, and reducing pain and inflammation.
Emotional signs and symptoms of burnout
- Feelings of failure and self-doubt
- Feeling helpless, defeated, trapped
- Aloofness, feeling alone in the world
- Loss of motivation
- An increasingly cynical and negative view of things
- Decreased satisfaction and sense of accomplishment
CBD oil can help with emotional symptoms in the short term by improving your mood, helping you feel calmer, and reducing stress and anxiety for a more positive outlook on life.
Behavioral signs and symptoms of burnout
- Abstention from duty
- Isolation from others
- Procrastination, taking longer to get things done
- Using food, drugs, or alcohol to cope
- Taking out frustrations on others
- Skipping work or arriving late and leaving work early
CBD oil can help with behavioral symptoms in the short term by improving focus and productivity at work, reducing stress and anxiety for better relationships, preventing cravings and addictions, and improving your mood so you feel less irritable.
CBD drops can also help with behavioral symptoms in the short term by improving focus and productivity at work, reducing stress and anxiety, preventing cravings and weakening unhealthy addictions, as well as improving mood and helping with irritability.
More health effects of burnout and how CBD oil helps
In addition to the above, the body goes through other phases from a physiological point of view. The adrenal glands are organs in the body that are responsible for producing and secreting stress hormones such as cortisol . The problem begins when these hormones are overproduced and the adrenal glands can no longer keep up with the demands on the body. Overproduction of these hormones occurs when we are under constant stress and anxiety because it puts the body into panic mode. This is where the power of CBD oil comes in .
When the adrenal glands pump out these hormones at a much higher rate than normal for an extended period of time, they begin to tire. Then they swing to the opposite side of the spectrum and are no longer able to produce these vital hormones because they don't have the resources or stamina to do so. This is when we encounter a condition commonly referred to as adrenal fatigue . However, CBD drops can help bring stress hormones back into balance, and can correct this condition while helping you experience less stress and melt away anxiety.
CBD oil can be a key factor that can help prevent and resolve burnout by helping people manage its various symptoms, both physical , emotional and behavioral .
CBD oil is therefore very effective both in the short-term for quick relief from possible problems, and in the long-term and preventively, when it helps to establish hormonal balance in the body.
Now that you know CBD oil can help you avoid burnout, you can try one of our proven hemp or flavored coconut CBD oils .
Photo: Shutterstock
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