CBD in the fight against stretch marks?

Ah, those stretch marks... Although they are a common problem and it is reported that up to 90% of people suffer from them, they can mean a lot of embarrassment and frustration for us women. If you have them, you don't have to worry about your health, they are not dangerous. But it's understandable that you may not be too fond of them. Do you know what stretch marks are and how they form? Wondering how CBD helps stretch marks and what else it can help with?

What are stretch marks and how do they form?

Stretch marks, also pimples, are a particular type of scar that form as a result of excessive stretching of the skin. The collagen and elastin fibers beneath the surface of the skin are torn or otherwise damaged. 

Collagen is a natural protein that, along with elastin, keeps the skin supple and elastic. The more collagen you have, the better the skin is protected from damage due to stretching. If collagen levels are low, this prevents the skin from stretching sufficiently and makes it more likely that stretch marks will appear. 

The resulting pimples can appear anywhere, but most commonly occur on:

  • The abdomen
  • Thigh
  • Buttocks 
  • Breasts and upper arms

Stretch marks can appear because of:

  • Growth spurts

During adolescence, the body goes through a lot of rapid changes. One of these is the tendency to grow rapidly in what are called growth spurts. Sometimes the skin cannot keep up with the speed of growth, and this can cause pimples at a young age.

  • Rapid and extreme weight loss/gain

Pajizoids can also occur with sudden weight gain/loss. Depending on which part of the body stores the most fat, stretch marks can affect the upper legs, buttocks or abdomen.

  • Pregnancy

Stretch marks are most commonly known to occur during pregnancy. As a pregnant woman's abdomen rapidly enlarges, the underlying skin tissue can rupture, leading to the characteristic pregnancy stretch marks. 

What helps with stretch marks? Tips for home remedies

Research suggests that there is no panacea for stretch marks, at least not yet. However, some remedies can help minimize the appearance of stretch marks and help them fade faster.

  • Vitamin A - in skin care products, it has the label retinoid. Retinoids can make skin look smoother and more youthful. They are used in many over-the-counter topical beauty creams.

Only a few studies have investigated the effectiveness of retinoids on stretch marks. More research is needed to determine its full effects on stretch marks. For example, research from 2015 focused on tretinoin, a prescription form of retinol. In an earlier study from 1996, researchers found that tretinoin aided in the development of smaller and less severe stretch marks.

  • Hyaluronic acid - an effective ingredient for skin hydration and healing. 

According to a 2014 study, hyaluronic acid could have the potential to affect skin elasticity. Further research from 2017 suggests that hyaluronic acid may improve the appearance of stretch marks. However, further research is needed to confirm these effects.

  • Centella asiatica - an herb that is a popular ingredient in Korean beauty products. It helps relieve inflammation and promotes collagen production. Preparations containing centella, known as cica creams (reparative creams), are sometimes used as scar treatments or to soothe and restore sensitive skin. 

Research in 2015 suggested that creams containing centella may help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy and improve their appearance. However, the researchers cautioned that more evidence is still needed.

  • Sugar - a popular exfoliant, the tiny crystals gently scrub away dead skin and leave skin feeling smoother.

Recipe for homemade sugar scrub:

  1. Add almond or coconut oil a little at a time to ½ cup of sugar, you may need to add up to ½ cup of oil.
  2. The scrub is done when it looks like wet beach sand.

To use: gently spread the mixture over the part of your body where you have stretch marks. Repeat 2 to 3 times a week while showering or bathing. Rinse with warm water.

You can store the sugar scrub in a sealed container for a short time, but as soon as it starts to look or smell suspicious, prepare a new batch.

  • Aloe vera - the jelly from the inside of the plant's leaves can be applied directly to the skin to soothe and hydrate.

Research from 2018 suggests that aloe vera helps skin heal from burns and wounds. The regenerative properties of aloe can help prevent stretch marks or their fading.

Apply pure aloe vera from the plant or an over-the-counter product to stretch marks daily after showering.

  • Coconut oil - can help maintain the skin's protective barrier.

Research from 2018 suggested that coconut oil improves dry skin conditions and some skin infections. An older 2010 study conducted on rats suggested that virgin coconut oil helped skin wounds heal faster. However, there is not much evidence to support the use of coconut oil for stretch marks. Studies of other vegetable oils (olive oil, almond oil and cocoa butter) have shown no improvement when used. Yet it is possible that the action of gently massaging the oil into the skin could prevent stretch marks, as suggested by research entitled: Stretch marks in pregnancy: a review of topical prevention. Gentle daily massage of stretch marks with coconut oil could help and is unlikely to do any harm.

Does CBD help with stretch marks?

At this time, there is not enough evidence to say that CBD can treat stretch marks. However, current scientific research suggests that CBD may have some benefits for the skin.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is the second most abundant compound in the cannabis plant. Its popularity is growing due to its potential therapeutic and health benefits. It can help relieve migraines, chronic pain or improve sleep quality. CBD is not a psychoactive cannabinoid.

Research from 2019 suggests that the endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a role in skin health - maintaining skin homeostasis, skin barrier formation and regeneration. And since CBD appears to interact with the ECS, it's possible that CBD may help with skin issues (e.g. eczema, psoriasis, acne).

One 2015 study reported that CBD may promote collagen production. However, more research needs to be done to prove a direct link.

Further research: the therapeutic effect of CBD-enriched ointments for inflammatory skin conditions and skin scars suggests that CBD may help reduce the appearance of scars when applied topically.

How to use CBD for stretch marks?

CBD can be found in various forms, including oils, creams, snacks, and capsules. In the case of stretch marks, topical application of CBD is probably best. 

Topical hemp CBD creams offer a number of skin nourishing benefits and are often enriched with other ingredients such as argan oil, shea butter and essential oils. In addition to the potential benefits of cannabidiol, CBD creams have additional benefits in the form of soothing and moisturizing dry skin.

CBD oils are another option. CBD oil can be taken sublingually (if it is intended for that purpose), but it can also be applied directly to the skin. You can also take your favorite CBD oil and mix it with another product, such as a cream, to create a treatment of your own.

Or try our versatile hemp ointments for stretch mark treatments. You can also use CBD & Hemp Care with Lavender for minor abrasions and superficial injuries, to heal fresh tattoos and minor scars or burns. It also works against nail fungus and helps heal cold sores.

Tip: Do you already have a proven stretch mark treatment in your care? Add a few drops of CBD oil to draw on the potential benefits of cannabidiol as well.

Tips for stretch marks in pregnancy and postpartum

Some moms-to-be proudly wear stretch marks as their "badge of motherhood." These pregnancy stretch marks seem to say that even though the baby hasn't even been born yet, it's already leaving its mark.

You'll probably start to notice stretch marks on your belly or anywhere else in pregnancy around the turn of the 2nd and 3rd trimester, when you're 6 to 7 months pregnant. However, they can also appear earlier.

Stretch marks are something to be proud of, there is no reason to be ashamed. But if you are trying to minimize their appearance, try massaging. Massaging your stomach, hips and thighs with an oil or stretch mark cream certainly won't hurt. 

Natural oils can also be used for massage, or you can add essential oils to boost their effects. The scent will also make you feel good and relaxed mentally.

It is recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women refrain from using any type of CBD. However, there are no comprehensive studies that state an explicit danger of using CBD during pregnancy. We recommend that you consult your doctor before using CBD for stretch mark reduction. 

A few sentences in conclusion

Remember that stretch marks are common and occur in many people. Stretch marks can be prevented by prevention, which includes adequate fluid intake, a balanced diet and regular exercise, even during pregnancy.

At the moment, there is no reliable way to prevent stretch marks completely, even if you use special creams. Although there is no perfect home remedy, topical treatments can help with hydration and promote the skin's healing processes.

CBD has many potential benefits for the skin. While there is not enough evidence to confirm that CBD can help eliminate or reduce the appearance of stretch marks, there is growing scientific information about its benefits. When using CBD products, keep in mind that it is a process. Don't expect to see results right after the first use. Try incorporating CBD oil, ointments or creams into your daily beauty routine, massaging the oil into your skin at least once a day.

Remember that stretch marks are natural and harmless to health. However, if they make you uncomfortable and cause you distress, consult a dermatologist or doctor. You can try one of the medical treatment methods, but even in this case you are not 100% guaranteed results.

Author: Patricie Mikolášová, translation by AI

Photo: Shutterstock

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