Can CBD oil cause itching?

The use of CBD oil is very popular for many reasons, but some people have sensitive skin or may be allergic to some of its ingredients. Can CBD cause itching and skin irritation? And if so, what can be done about it?

Many people use CBD to relieve pain, often in the form of CBD oil or ointments that are applied to the skin.

Although CBD is safe, it can have some side effects. Some users claim that using CBD oil causes itching. Is this true?

The main reason why CBD can trigger itching is an allergic reaction either directly to CBD or to another ingredient in the product. It is very rare for CBD by itself to cause such a reaction. It is even a popular treatment for itchy skin conditions such as eczema or dandruff.

What is CBD oil?

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the main cannabinoids found in cannabis. It is extracted and mixed with carrier oils such as coconut or hemp oil - both types of oils can also be found in our range.

CBD is taken as a dietary supplement. It can help in the treatment of many diseases.

Can CBD oil cause itching?

In its purest form, CBD is not known to cause skin allergies and reactions such as itching, hives, pain or irritation.

The explanation for the occurrence of itching after using CBD may be the synthetic ingredients that the product sometimes contains. This is also why it is advisable to pay attention to the ingredients when choosing the right product. In most cases, quality products from proven manufacturers do not contain synthetic ingredients at all. Moreover, they are always laboratory tested - the results of such tests will reveal, among other things, the exact composition (and concentration of the individual active cannabinoids).

In most cases, skin allergies, especially itching, point to an allergic reaction caused by other ingredients used in CBD oil.

Ingredients that cause itching

  • poor quality carrier oils or oils past the recommended expiration date
  • use of artificial additives and perfumes
  • other contaminants (heavy metals, solvents or microbial contaminants)

Can CBD oil prevent itching?

CBD helps with the itching sensation rather than causing it. CBD has the potential to greatly help with some skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, pruritus (uncomfortable itching without accompanying skin changes) and inflammatory disorders.

In one study, 67% of patients with eczema experienced a reduction in the sensation of itching, and 50% experienced a more than 60% reduction in eczema, showing the benefit of external use of CBD in atopic dermatitis.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

If you feel that application of CBD oil makes you feel itchy, it is best to discontinue use of the oil at the first sign of an allergic skin reaction. Check the product label to make sure it does not contain an ingredient to which you are allergic.

Note the other active ingredients and check with your doctor to see if they may trigger a skin allergy or have an irritating effect on your skin.

Because CBD is a herbal product, its use may trigger an allergic reaction, although this is actually rare. Before applying any CBD product to large areas of skin, you should test it on a small patch of skin to check that it will not cause an immediate allergic reaction. This applies (not only) to CBD creams and lotions.

Unfortunately, these reactions don't always show up right away - sometimes it can take a few days and symptoms can persist for weeks. If you experience any of the following symptoms, stop using CBD oil immediately.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction when using CBD externally

  • rash
  • diarrhea
  • swollen patches of skin
  • small red spots
  • itching, stinging or burning
  • shallow lips, eyes, or tongue
  • red, itchy, or watery eyes
  • dry, cracked skin

Some CBD products are intended for consumption or inhalation. Any allergic reaction will occur much sooner.

Again, if you experience any of the symptoms listed below, discontinue use immediately.

A reaction to a hemp product is similar to a seasonal allergy. Symptoms subside fairly quickly and an antihistamine such as Zyrtec, Analergin, etc. can help relieve the discomfort.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction after ingesting CBD

  • constipation
  • dry cough
  • runny nose
  • sneezing
  • irritation and redness of the eyes
  • discomfort
  • sore throat
  • symptoms of severe allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock)

As mentioned above, although allergic reactions after taking CBD are rare, they can be dangerous and even fatal in extreme cases. If you experience any of the following events, seek medical attention immediately.

  • breathing difficulties
  • breathlessness or wheezing
  • dizziness or fainting
  • confusion
  • loss of consciousness

How to test CBD oil for allergies before using it

There are two simple steps to test your body's reaction to CBD oil:

1. Using a dropper, apply a single drop of CBD oil to the back of one hand. Wait 24 hours to see if there are any adverse reactions. Some reactions may even take longer.

2. Using an eyedropper, take a single drop of CBD oil into your mouth. Wait at least one hour to see if your body reacts adversely to it.

Other side effects of CBD

CBD is safe and its use is not associated with any serious side effects. Still, it is essential to know some of the possible side effects of CBD that can occur with both long and short-term use.

Short-term side effects

If CBD is taken in high amounts, in combination with other medications, or for serious illnesses, it may lead to the occurrence of side effects.

These include:

  • low blood pressure
  • dry mouth, medically called xerostomia
  • rare stools
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • dehydration
  • fatigue

These side effects are temporary and last only for the time that CBD is present in the bloodstream. These symptoms disappear once the CBD stops working.

Long-term side effects

These side effects do not appear right away. They come on slowly with consistent use of CBD and are often related to mixing CBD with prescription drugs or smoking it.

These include:

  • excessive weight loss or gain
  • weakened immunity
  • improper liver function
  • weakness
  • fatigue

Conclusion: does CBD cause itching?

CBD is a safe, effective natural treatment for many diseases. The problems and allergic reactions that can occur when taking CBD are usually caused by impure or contaminated products that include cheap and low-quality (often synthetic) ingredients.</p

To avoid these problems, only buy quality CBD oils from reliable sellers. If you suffer from severe allergies or are allergic to hemp seed, take an allergy test before using CBD or any other hemp product.

Photo: Shutterstock

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